Fun AI-generated robot, because we're quirky!

Software that works harder, so you don't have to (except this site, it's here for fun).

At Initial T, we believe that software development should be both effective and enjoyable. Our team of quirky professionals is dedicated to delivering top-notch solutions while having a bit of fun along the way.

Ready to geek out with us?

Btw. do you know Konami Code? Try it here ;)

Software for everyone, everywhere.

Apps, Websites, and Whatever Else Floats Your Boat!

We create apps and websites that help you succeed—and us too! From management systems to killer front-end design, we got it all covered.


We've been on both sides of the barricade, so we know how to write secure software because we know what techniques attackers use...

Real-world integration

Not only virtual—what really gives joy is integrating software into the real world, where it sees, hears, and feels.

You found the Easter Egg! Enjoy some secret tech knowledge.